Fantasy Land

It was impossible to resist watching Parliament tonight and the votes that took place on the various amendments selected by the Speaker. I've developed a morbid fascination with the whole Brexit process. Tonight, that finally turned into disgust. I've tried to understand and give MPs some slack in sorting out what is an incredibly complex problem. No longer. With a few notable exceptions, parliament is treating the electorate with utter contempt.

The whole debate has become a game of words that no longer bears any relation to reality. Both sides of the house are living in some kind of fantasy world, indulging each other's pantomime performances because they have boxed themselves into opposite corners where the truth can no longer be told, let alone heard.

The key decisions are being made for reasons of ideology, party politics and personal ambition, not for what is best for the people of this country. It's shameful. We've been let down badly. We need another way. We quite possibly need a revolution, but that's never really been in English blood. But when that blood starts to boil ...

Apologies for this segue from haiku to polemic. I always feel better for writing things out of my head. Thanks for the love for yesterday's visual poem. You made me very happy.

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