Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Blipvent Calendar #9: Fairy

I am having a CRAZY BUSY weekend. Full of cold and had to work a bit yesterday, then off to Sheffield for tea with friends then a Pulp concert (which was amazing). Then slept at friends' place so up and about early for the drive back home... more work stuff, spot of Sunday dinner and a small interlude for putting the Xmas tree up. Then off to the train station (on a Sunday afternoon, for the third week running) for an early work start tomorrow. Not Vienna this time, though, just London. Then Vienna on Tuesday. Stop the world, I want to get off for a bit!

Anyway - glad I got that off my chest :-)

Here's a shot I grabbed just before leaving the house for the station - one of the number of Xmas tree fairies we've accumulated over the years. This one isn't on the tree itself this year, just dangling from a wall light...

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