Tate Britain

We finally got to see the Burne-Jones exhibition at Tate Britain. Mrsfb is mad about the Pre-Raphaelites, and Burne-Jones in particular, and daughter#1 wanted to treat her to a visit as a birthday present. We weren't sure if we would make it as the weather was forecast to be heavy snow on Tuesday, but it didn't happen so we went for it. It turned out to be lovely sunny day.

We thought the exhibition was brilliant. I didn't realise he did so many portraits, and such a lot of preparatory work before embarking on a work, and left such a lot unfinished despite having assistants to do the donkey work.

We had the added bonus of seeing the grandsons in the evening, first time since they left in a hurry when we were ill on Boxing Day. We couldn't decide what takeaway to have delivered (being London there were about 500 options) so ended up with fish and chips!

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