A Robin At Stover Park

Our friends Mart & Elmer, who live in Torquay, joined us at the lodge today. In the afternoon we went for a stroll at Stover Country Park near Newton Abbott where there were a lot of wildfowl on the lakes and all sorts of small birds around the feeders, including coal and blue tits, bull finches and this robin.

We followed the Ted Hughes' trail around the woods and lakes, where sculptures are placed alongside some of his poems.

Back at the lodge we lounged in the hot tub, enjoyed a meal and a few (OK, more than a few) drinks and talked non-stop til late.

We normally meet up once a year at Christmas and always vow to meet up more often; this year we've actually managed to do so and it's only February! Maybe this year Mart& I might even play that round of golf we keep threatening.

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