A Good Call

After the last few days, I wasn't going to miss out on what looked like a pretty good day weatherise. We got out our bus passes and took ourselves off to Thrybergh Country Park on the other side of Rotherham. There were huge numbers of birds on the water - geese, ducks, swans, there were Cormorants and Grebes and in the hedgerows there were Fieldfare, Blackbirds  Robins and Tits and at the feeders there were Reed Buntings, Yellowhammer, Brambling, Greenfinch and Bullfinch. The best sighting of the day was a Water Rail - I've often seen them reported there but never managed to see them on previous visits.The best photo of the day was this Reed Bunting. I logged 35 species - not bad for a couple of hours. 

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