
Today was eventful, with as usual is mixture of good and not so good. Though today the extremes were starkly contrasting!

It started with a monk in the kitchen. He was lovely and answered my questions about Buddhism very patiently (while eating lovely chana masala made by Tsering). And let me take his picture. And here he is! His name is Jamyung, probably (I struggle with these Tibetan names!)
We then went into town to get our final rabies vaccination. It was non-eventful and pleasing to have the whole course finished. We then went in search of a cinema as we fancied watching a film (JB is possible). We were directed to a "mall" which had a cinema at the top. It was a shining, clean, lovely shopping centre in an area which wasn't shining, clean or in any way lovely. It was the first place we have been where there is a "dodgy" feeling in the air. There were a lot of deformed beggars and lots of hustle and bustle and not so many of the happy smiley faces we have got used to. Once in the mall the film we wanted wasn't on so we sat and had food. We tried some Indian samosas and puri. They were lush!

On the way out we saw a group of young, western dressed men checking out a big 3D tv - something everyone should have! Directly outside we were surrounded by people without limbs begging for money, some inoffensively sitting, some being more direct and one boy who was colouring in pictures desipte not have any hands. He was doing really well and drawing a crowd. I took a few pictures when the Mrs called me to see something else. In fact she had seen an old guy in a Topi hat spot me and he was informing a "gang" of young lads of my presence and they had started to surround me. Thanks to the Mrs I was rescued from whatever might have happened to me, but it was a bit hairy. We got straight on a bus back home.

On the bus we saw some police violence. A guy on a bicycle had run into a girl and she was not happy (despite the fact she wasn't looking where she was going). I didn't see the whole incident but I did see a policeman give the lad a big smack round the head. Not good policing in my eyes...

We made it home without further incident and was about to settle down to watch "Kundun" on DVD when Tsering our landlady came in saying "Do you want to see some Tibetan Opera?? Lets GO!". When someone says that you don't think twice so off we went round the corner to Tsering's office where some students were having a leaving celebration. The "opera" was amazing. Very very beautiful and the music enchanting. We really, really liked it. There was humour (a massive "pantomime Yak" that was rolling around on the floor) and dancing and amazing singing accompanied by some great instruments. The music was very rhythmic and reminded me of some simple West African music I like. It was magical and really lifted us up after our interesting day.

It turned out this was a special day for Tibetans and we had to light loads of candles and eat Tenduk (a soupy noodle dish). The streets were lit by rows and rows of candles, which gave everything a great atmosphere. We finished off the day watching the film with Zeydon, which was great. She fell asleep halfway through bless her :-)

Uffff, what a day!

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