
The theme is "anything goes" for Abstract Thursday - 
so, I've gone all out !!!

We've been watching the 6pm News.....I got rather upset tonight.  There are so many outrageous weather phenomenons going on.  
Here in NZ nearby to Nelson is a fire of 2000 hectares that is raging out of control.  Been watching folk in terrible state, one home destroyed, others threatened, animals being shifted (but not all), others being euthanised to put them out of their misery, so upsetting.  
Then the report from Townsville which is all gloom, they are in cleanup mode now, but at high tide in comes the water again.  One hundred and sixty homes totally destroyed, how many pets lost I hate to think.  
Then they cross to the farmers and show their cattle that have been in water and haven't eaten for days and days, skin and bone, some lying dead.  I just can't handle seeing these things.....I guess I'm such a soft hearted soul.

Out for brunch with the Timaru gang.... Terry's 75th birthday shout....more nonsense spoken, more laughter.  All good.

We gardened with a vengeance this afternoon, we are so dry and our water tanks are getting dangerously low.  Still compared to others both here and Ozzie we have nothing to moan about.
I love the idea of having our countries flag against our blip name now.


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