The luckiest piglet

I took Jasper to the vet this afternoon. Just before we arrived (with Jasper in full howling cry mode) a guy had turned up with this newly born piglet.

He was driving on the nearby State Highway 1 and stopped to rescue what he thought was a kitten running in the traffic. It was this extremely fortunate piglet, so young that it still had its umbilical cord.

My vet is mystified. Where did it come from? How did it get there? He's unharmed so we assume that he didn't fall off a vehicle. Somehow he's eacaped from somewhere.

While I was there he was named Hamlet Wilbur and the vet was trying desperately to stop the mounting pressure from his wife (also a vet) and staff to adopt it. Hamlet Wilbur was a bit tired after his adventure and a feed.

Tomorrow I think the vet will be building a little pig pen. :-)

Oh and Jasper is fine. My little rascal weighs a massive 3.8kg.

Today's gratitude: For a short week. I needed it.

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