
By BellasView

Car here - Car there

We did alot of travelling about in the car today starting very early to get dad to the garage to collect his car, stooping off for Petrol on the way. That was new.

Then I had a Puppy Play Date with 2 Cockerpoo's which was great fun. We chased each other about so much that I had to sleep for hours!

Then back in the car again to go and find some cats to play with. I was very good again and somehow knew the difference between cats and dogs. Dogs like chasing, cats don't. Although I did steal their toys so they gave me dirty looks. Fair.

On the way way home we were stuck in terrible traffic and I slept the whole way. Mum was a bit mean and didnt allow me to sleep on her hand the whole way, only while the car wasn't moving very fast!!!

Then back home again for another sleep until bedtime when I woke up.

Well thats what Babies do isn't it????

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