Wistful moments

By KathM


This week i'm going to attempt to join in the challenge compiled by Lucie, and today's entry is called "Peace". I lost my Uncle Tom a few months ago and so this one is for him. He used to be a builder in Sheffield and was regularly up on the rooftops. He was a bit of a hoarder and "rescued" a few chimney pots from the scrap heap, so it was lovely that my mum passed one each on to me and my sis as a tribute to him. Yesterday i planted some winter pansies in it and it looks great. RIP Uncle Tom.

Anyway, on a lighter note.... I've only gone and bloody well bought a house ('scuse language but i'm so excited!!!) I got a call from the estate agent this morning and after a small negotiation my offer was accepted. Woohoo!! :-D

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