Here we go again!


Merci Simone!

I learned from my former student (now colleague) B to notice the graffiti and street art in Paris. I'm quite fond of the "Merci Simone" posters - a street art campaign that started after Simone Veil's death on June 30, 2017. Veil is now buried in the Pantheon, the monument that dominates my neighbourhood, and this poster is right near by. She is best known for facilitating access to contraception in France and the "loi Veil" legalized abortion here in 1975. #MerciSimone 

The other poster, in Portuguese, is intriguing too with its reference to Le Chien andalou. Does anyone know what its story is?

I stayed in the neighbourhood today. I went to the Luxembourg Gardens to go for a run this morning but the park was closed (because of gilets jaunes protests?) so I joined a bunch of other people running around the perimeter and through the jardins de l'observatoire. Other than that, a nice skype chat with my older daughter, coffee & reading in a café, and some work at home.

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