I saw a unicorn...

...flying in the sky today. Sorry I couldn't take a photo as I was driving to collect a parcel. So you will have to take my word for it....

So, a perfect story for SillySaturday...

In the parcel was Murphy Oil Soap which had been recommended online to clean dirty gel plates & paint brushes & brayers etc etc (it works very well, cleaned brayers and gel plate and even a piece of lace that had solidified with acrylic paint), and also gloves in a bottle which was recommended to keep hands easy to clean from paint (it's a hand lotion and last about 4 hours then you have to reapply. I've used it today and my hands washed easily of the paint I had on).

Today I tried inktense sticks for applying to the gel plate. They worked as you can see. I sprayed the gel plate with water first.

Thank you for all your comments and love.
Take care x

I watched a Ted Talk today. It was both beautiful and poignant...
A mother and son's photographic journey through dementia

For some reason, I am unable to post a direct link to it...still trying...


Ah, this is best I seem to be able to do...

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