I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Eating Grasscicles

Tony took Gary to the airport at 6am this morning. The fun had to stop sometime.

When Judy and I were having breakfast we saw this bunny eating the frozen grass. Another one came and joined the munching. Bunker wanted to go out and chase them off, but we let them eat in peace.

Judy helped me with changing bedding and getting the rooms back in order. We had lunch and a final game of Scrabble. I sent her off a winner.

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing some laundry and resting.

When we took our afternoon walk, we saw a hawk swoop down in the lava and fly back up. Nothing in it's talons, but it was definitely hunting.

I am grateful for all the memories we made this week. There is nothing better than time spent with family.

Until tomorrow.....

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