a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Pinching out the tips

Mono Monday: Pinch

A shot of me pinching out the growing tips of the kitchen basil plant, to encourage bushier growth and prevent its becoming too leggy.  Thanks again this week to thanks to laurie54 for hosting the Mono Monday challenge.  

This one was taken with the Fuji as the Nikon is away being cleaned.  I've been meaning to get the Nikon's sensor cleaned for a while now, and finally managed to motivate myself to sort it out today.  

Someone has given me a horrible cold, the rotter.  I suspect that I picked it up at work - one of the benefits of working in an open plan, air conditioned office.  I fear that it is still building up to its true dreadfulness at this point in time - sigh.  An early night is definitely required.

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