Big boxes

M and l went down to the Tate Britain to see the Don Mccullin photo exhibition yesterday. My head is still reeling from the images l saw and l am still really quite angry at the world and humanity.
Closer to home, I am particularly upset at the photos l saw of the poverty in the UK in the 60/70s which l now see returning, the homeless, the abandoned begging for food are easily seen on streets of UK cities now. Surely this should not be so, even the Government have admitted yesterday that one of their flagship schemes is causing hardship and unprecedented levels of visits to food banks although they will continue with it.

This photo was taken when we left the art museum and looked out across the road at all the new buildings in progress on the opposite side of the Thames. Not for local people however, developers build these apartments and market them in the East, any that are not sold may be offered on the local market. They are bought and likely will remain empty with owners using them for a couple of weeks a year. Have we all gone mad with greed?

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