
By atoll

Dentil Decay

The repeated question hissed through gritted teeth "Is it Safe?" kept coming to my mind as I sat reclined but far from relaxed on my Dentist's chair this morning. Anyone remember Sir Larry Olivier's Nazi dentist drilling deep into Dustin Hoffman's root canal in Marathon Man, to extract more than just decay? I do, quite regularly, but strangely only on a 9-month recurring cycle. As it happens, my lady Dentist is a woman of very few words anyway. What she lacks though in friendly conversation and persuasive cajoling, she makes up for with her dexterity with some kind of hooky thing she digs around with. Not sure if 'dig' is a dentistry term, but it's the only one that comes to mind as my head jerks too and fro.

As it happens, Dustin Hoffman was on my favourite Radio 4 Desert Island Discs last week and it was one of the really great ones. I just can't resist saying 'download the podcast' here, even though MrJohn is getting a little suspicious of my commercial motives with my serial BBC endorsements. I just love Kirsty. Simples.

And so what to blip? Rare I know for my journal to ever match my photographs, but today is different.

As I came out of the dentist's surgery, there was a landscape gardener butchering cutting their hedge with some petrol hedge trimmers. I was tempted, but the analogy was too close to the painful truth.

Here then is my chosen one: the DENTIL Course off Knutsford CROWN Court. Intriguingly, it says on their website: "courts venue hire for events, weddings and filming". No mention is made of crown prosecution, but I suppose that's invitation only and not RSVP.


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