
By jiana

He can say "bu..do..da", grapes in Japanese

Today, Yu chan was so whined and cried loudly, I was tired of soothing her. So, I changed my mind and decide to reprove her. "Yu chan, I undetstand you can't accept your situation, but now is the time you should accept it.

If you don't accept and continue to be excited , nobody can support you. Also you have a part of responsibility to this matter. If you should have given me duplicate key to me, you would be found much earlier. Also we found that you have debt from some credit companies afte this matter. Your father has taken over your debt. You are not independent but dependent to your family. After recovery, you should repay your father little by little. Do you understand? If you can understand, say yes! Yu-chan listened my words quietly and said "yes" in a low voice.

After a while, the doctor came to our room and said that Yu chan will soon move to a hospital specialized rehabilitation. After she has gone, Yu chan began to make noise, crying "I don't like rehabilitation!"

Seriously tired, I left the room saying "Do have hope!" to her, and went to see my grandchildren.

Yes, our second stage has began!

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