Final Goose Report (Almost)

Well, I swear I heard honking today.  I haven't seen a goose for a while but I believe they winter here and don't migrate.  Anyway, I looked outside and saw these tracks coming up from the water but no goose in sight.  (I'm not even sure those are goose tracks, but read on and you'll see why I find them somewhat poetic.) That reminded me that it was Wednesday and time for my weekly call for an update on "my " injured goose who was picked up on January 2 by the nice folks at the Rescue Center.   

The news is good and bad and then good again.  

He's doing well, eating and playing nicely with others (good). Arthritis has developed in his left leg so he will never be able to survive in the wild.  He'll always be on pain medication so he will not be released (bad).  He's presently awaiting transport to a waterfowl sanctuary in the midwest where he will spend the rest of his days and hopefully find a monogamous relationship (good).

I can't tell you how uplifting it was for me to realize that there are people who care deeply about one Canada goose among the many thousands around my area.  And, who knew there are apparently several waterfowl sanctuaries in existence?  It's so hard to find something positive in today's world and the thought that dedicated people are working to fix an injured goose and find him a forever home instead of just discarding him in some fashion is almost more than I can handle without crying.  I'm kind of glad I didn't give him a name but I still miss him and think about him.  I imagine his two friends will show up once the weather gets better so I'll "adopt" them and take care of them as best I can.  Maybe the tracks in the snow were theirs to let me know they're still around.  

I'll check again with the Rescue Center in a couple of weeks to see if he's caught a ride to his new home.  If not, maybe I could volunteer to drive him there myself.    

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