
By SueScape

Underneath the Mistletoe ....

We all know about the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. Long ago, it was considered a promise to marry and a prediction of happiness and long life.

For the Druids, mistletoe was sacred and the Chief Druid would cut down the mistletoe at winter solstice. Sprigs were shared out among the people to use above their doors to ward off evil. But the Druids also thought that the white berries symbolised the sperm of the Gods, so it would seem that a Druidic maiden standing beneath the mistletoe was expecting rather more than a kiss........

Few days to go before the Solstice so hoping I'm safe, underneath the mistletoe!

[granite table top in case you are wondering]

Factette: One tiny mistletoe kiss burns up 3 calories. Better keep kissing to get rid of those extra Christmas pounds ....

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