A Year in the Life of

By Dekay

Macaroni Cheese

Yum! My daughters favourite dish is the mac & cheese I make. It must rate as a pretty unhealthy meal, but it tastes great. It goes something like this, 300g of macaroni, 1 tub double cream (with a heaped plateful of grated cheddar melted into it), 300g bacon (diced and fried off until nearly crisp). When the macaroni is ready, drain and pour into a suitable dish, pour over the cheesy cream then sprinkle the bacon bits, and then sprinkle a heaped plateful of grated cheddar over the top then whack it under a hot grill and give the cheese a good browning so it becomes a lovely hard crust. Yum! Sliced tomato can be placed on the top before browning if you want to be a wee bit healthier!

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