
Off on what has become my yearly adventure when I meet up with a fab friend (we try to meet on the same day each year and we’ve got a few years under our belts now) so tomorrow is an early start.

Just choosing a non- work related book to read on the train. Something that will be light and help me relax, this one fits the bill. Guess the author from the picture clues!

Busy day and ready for a change of scenery- somewhere very new this time. Exciting

Last sip of hot choc and then it’s lights off.

If you have time google the New York Times Irish- British dialect quiz as it’s super interesting, I answered the first 26 questions to be told I was from Lancashire (correct), most likely Blackpool (not quite right) as I’m from Wigan. After a further 75 questions which you can elect to complete the quiz still said Lancs, Blackpool and Wolverhampton. Very odd that last one As I have no family ties there and haven’t lived there. I do know Blackpool and Wolverhampton very well though!

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