
I was at home today and F spotted the fox on the shed roof. Hooray - a bliportunity. However, the autofocus was keen on the tree in front of the fox, so I quickly worked out how to use the manual focus and this is the result.

A productive day on the freelance networking side of things. Tomorrow is definitely, definitely my last day as an employee. I'm the only one of the redundantees leaving tomorrow - the rest have had their consultancy periods extended. So I guess I'll have all the attention. It'll end in the pub, I'm sure. It's strange not to have full-time work to look forward to, and it's possibly the first time since before primary school that I've been in this situation: primary school, secondary school, university, job, job, job, with no breaks between them, except the usual summer holidays. And now? Well... I've got the whole world and it's up to me to conquer it!

Happy Friday-eve!

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