Easy, like Sunday morning......

After studying the weather forecast in great detail, J decided he was going out on his motorbike, so he dropped me off at the gym earlier than usual. Des didn't arrive until I was half way through the work out, and was telling me all about his Bodytrax reading that he had a few days ago. His metabolic age was 60, which is great as he is actually 75, so he was very pleased with his results.  One of the guys heard him, and said, well there can't be much fat on your tongue Des, as you don't stop talking.  He took the remark in good spirits,  which is probably just as well. It was raining when I started my walk home, and I hadn't gone far, when I saw a Robin singing in the tree above me. I took a photo of him, and saw a man approaching and he said, what are you taking a photo of? I felt like saying, anything that will stay still, but I politely said, a robin, who had by now flown away. When I crossed into the next field, I saw this lady watching  the young boy's playing  football. I took a sneaky photo, and I thought she had come well prepared, but I bet she could have thought of better things to do on a Sunday morning.

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