Rosy Sunset with Cranes ...

… contrails, and the Cologne Rathaus (Town Hall), with its portico (behind construction in front). We were returning from a long day, with visits to three museums (I promised to add more the next day--2/18--it's in italics below):  
1) Museum Ludwig  (20th century and contemporary art)  Notable for us were German works from the early  1900s--Macke, Marc, and the Expressionists.  Also  American art from the 1950s to 2000--e.g. Warhol , Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein and many more. 
2) The NS Documentation Center  The Gestapo prison in the two-story basement, with a dozen cells, has numerous displays of hundreds of scratched inscriptions and drawings by the prisoners, with transcriptions and English translations. We visited the lower basement where the men were tortured, and  the courtyard in the rear where hundreds were executed. (N.B. This was separate from the Holocaust camps for the Jews; the inmates here were opponents of the regime, such as Communists.)
3)  Museum Schnütgen--medieval art. Quite wonderful, mostly in a converted church, which provides a large main gallery and with works from the 800s to 1500s. Sculptures predominate but there is a side gallery with superb ivories--their miniaturist precision is stunning.  

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