Ahwa balady night

An ahwa balady is the Egyptian name for the coffee shops that are everywhere in Egypt. Very simple cafes with plastic chairs and you can drink tea, coffee or lemon with mint. You can take food if you want and they’re often where shishas are smoked. They are mainly for the men, but some have women, and some families go too. With such a large number of Egyptians in Kw8, there are quite a few of these cafes here too. So I happily joined one of my friends and his good mate here in one in expatville. I was the only woman, but didn’t feel uncomfortable. It had the same vibe, music, football on the TV and the smell of shisha which I like. If only I could've taken a photo of the men in groups, the men alone, phone in one hand, shisha in the other, some slouched in chairs, some relaxing on sofas. 
We shared stories of how some struggle when they come here, can’t find work, or do find it, and those in both groups who get depressed. All in search of a better future. It’s not an easy reality here.  

We enjoyed this lovely dessert (cheese based). Yum. A late night wander around the marina and a walk home. A good evening.

Before that, a good session with my trainer and a nice afternoon at the club. The sun was shining today. And a nice chat with my favourite life guard. He might quit and go back to Egypt when his wife has the second baby. It’s not worth being separated he says, as so many do here.

Kuwait is a dream destination for many Egyptians, but the reality can be quite harsh.

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