Here we go again!


Librairie Compagnie

Another photo to add to what is becoming a series of bookstores (see yesterday's blip, and last week)... this was taken this evening at the Compagnie bookstore, another really great shop in my neighbourhood. K and I heard an interesting reading and presentation of new books by Michèle Lesbre, Leonor de Recondo and Serge Mestre, moderated by their editor, Sabine Wespieser. The bookstore is much bigger than it appears, and 20-30 of us all fit into the basement reading room. It was lots of fun, and nice to catch-up with K as well!

Besides this, I went for a run in the Luxembourg gardens this morning, got ready for my trip tomorrow and did some work. Now setting alarms to wake up *very* early tomorrow to catch my train...

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