Belligerent Clouds

The clouds won't say what mood they're in today.
Here they punch the sky
and there they stroke it.
Blue smiles through, pretends it's summer
six months late.
Slapping south-east winds refute it,
provoke the clouds to further rage.

Now five jackdaws join the fray
like flying debris.

Back indoors, viewed through warm glass,
the sky seems quite benign.
Peer up, the clouds know differently,
their armoured linings shine.

poem © Celia Warren 2012

Took oodles of sky pictures in the space of a few minutes, the clouds were moving so rapidly. Some cloudscapes were better than this - unobscured by the building - but I wanted the jackdaws in the blip.

Played on Photoshop copying and pasting the birds into other shots, fairly successfully (unless closely scrutinised), but ended up using this undoctored one, as being more honest.

Tempted to wait till 12mins and 12 secs after noon to post this, but then I might miss the slot. So, sufficient to say, it's taken and posted on 12.12.12.

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