Scaling Up

When I mentioned to my daughter that I was thinking of getting an iPad Mini she thought it was to replace my iPad, but that was not the case. The second generation iPad is oldish, but it does what I want. No, it was my 10 year old second generation iPod Touch that I wanted to replace. I keep it beside my bed and I have used it every day (night) since I got it.  It’s a bit limited now, and the screen seems to have shrunk, which makes it difficult to see properly. The Mini is small enough for me to use in bed, but much easier to read.

However, setting it up has been a very frustrating experience. Why do Apple have to make things so difficult? There was a time when the Apple computer I worked on was so primitive I had to write a program just to get it to print a letter. There were no windows, mice or touch screens then. Yet, once you knew the programming language it was all straightforward. Once again, my son came to the rescue.

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