
By tookie

Backside shows Dockside!

What a day Tuesday was to be an escape with a good friend up to Bellingham /Fairhaven. A day to explore their wonderful bookstore and some holiday shopping. But first I had to get my temporary crown put back in as it had fallen out the day before. Because of my knee replacement I have to take one very large dosage of antibiotics each time an hour before dental work.
Dumb to have done so on an empty stomach!

Without much fuss the temp. crown slid back into place. Then I met my friend and we were off for the lands up north! The closer we got to Bellingham, the sicker to my stomach I felt. At first I thought it was just car sickness from her irradic driving and the curve s(ha ha)--but then I remembered taking those antibiotics on the empty stomach. We couldn't reach our destination soon enough. Right as we pulled up to park alongside a curb, I opened the door and lost my cookies into a pile of curbside maple leaves. Ugh. Then we went into a little restaurant thinking maybe I could eat and feel go...I had torun quickly walk to the restroom and face another cookie toss. So the gist is ...I sat while she looked around a bit and we just headed back "home".. Another attempt at this will be done if possible. What a day!

The really cool best part of the day was to see this guy wearing a tee shirt with the restaurant in Moro Bay, Ca. run by my D I L's father's family! I thought I recognized the name of it, and asked the guy wearing it if I could take a photo of it and explained why. He was happy to turn around for me and told me he would go down there to squid fish. Small world!

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