Backyard Guest

Went to work, worked, took some shots in Rotterdam, went back home.  At some point, AW motioned to me through the back window to come outside and I knew I had to bring the camera.  There were two of them nosing around very gracefully, and I wish I knew if they were two of the seven cygnets two years ago.  Maybe they were!  They are now absolute beauties and I hope they find worthy mates and build their nests nearby so they can visit more often and get some treats.  According to AW, it will take a year or two more, but no matter.

Not too sunny but that didn't matter.  Everything happening at work as it should, so I should be pleased.  The Lottery of Birth MOOC coming along well.  Added another piece of music to the slide show and glad I don't have to rush doing that.  I have almost a full half hour covered.

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