
By Exbeeb

Freezing fog last night, so we woke to a deep frost all around. Even the trampoline netting had frozen white. Took a few photos before the school run, but these were not up to scratch, so at lunch time, I took a walk along the cliff top and noticed this barge making it's way up the coast. The sky looked rather cold, even though by then the sun was shining brightly.

Philip paid us a fleeting visit, arriving at gone midnight and now already on the four hour journey back to Birmingham. All in aid of Gaby's birthday - that was so nice of him to make that effort, we all appreciated it. He is working really hard at the moment on something or other which involves nanotechnology and radiation, so his time is of a premium.

I think Gaby had a very acceptable birthday with us - I know she is planning a celebration with some of her very best friends, just as soon as they are all back from their respective universities.

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