Da Trow o Hove Burn

A chill in the breeze, but a lovely day, and plenty of sunny spells. 

A great night was had by all last night, and the dance floor was filled all night.  Think it was almost 4am when I got to bed.  Surprisingly, I was up fairly early, and spent the morning with the family.  We went for a walk after lunch.  I had to catch the ferries back home.  Greeted by a happy Sammy, and headed out walkies.  It's been a fairly quiet evening at home, and the fire is roaring. 

We went for a family walk, me, mam, dad, sister's Julie and Laura, and their lasses.  When we arrived at Burrafirth, we had to cross over the peerie bridge.  Unknown to us, a trow (troll) was waiting for us!  Lottie and Anna took their chances!  It turned out that it was my sister Julie, and her mask from last night was still in her pocket.  Taken at the Hove Burn, Burrafirth, Unst. 

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