Signs of Spring

There were some definite signs of spring this morning as Tim and Matt joined us on our morning walk.   A single clump of daffodils was blooming at the foot of  one tree and the one in my picture had a bright green cap of newly opened leaves. The vivid green grass makes up for the pewter colored sky. Ozzie was well revived by a swim in his favorite stream, fishing for sticks and paddling around in one deep spot. The reeds next to the water were alive with newly arrived red winged blackbirds calling to each other in their curious metallic cries. The air temperature has warmed up a bit from last week, but another atmospheric river is due tomorrow and it is already pretty gloomy today....

Leaving Ozzie to dry out in the back of OilMan's car, we went into Trail House for some coffee. It was much less crowded this week but with the usual eclectic group of people to entertain us. 

A group of guys with a very friendly dog named Max  sat outside, and a group in full Lycra occupied the bar. Both groups were already enjoying beers at 10am, but we stuck with coffee. A small child in brown coat and matching hat with pink polka dots swanned around clearly pleased with her ensemble...a young man sat at the end of our table with his computer, his newly filed papers extracted from a backpack, headphones and a pile of nursing textbooks. Dana and Jim joined us for a coffee on their way to Costco.

Tim had to go home, but Matt and OilMan and I will be joining Dana, Jim and friends at their house for dinner and Oscars. I just made a batch of ginger snap cookies and I'm sure there will be plenty of food because that's how Jim rolls. One would think he grew up in a large family because the quantities of food he buys, but he grew up with just one brother. 

It's been a nice day despite the gloomy weather....

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