Heading north

It has been a long day travelling north but unlike the southward journey, all connections worked well. It was a really cold day and as the train whisked me homewards I saw some wondrous sights of a winter wonderland with trees and shrubs thickly coated with frost. The freezing fog lifted a bit as the train travelled through Yorkshire and I managed to catch this shot of the industrial smoke drifting up into the pastel coloured cold sky. In the first shot I took, all the smoke was going in one direction, which is what you would expect, but by the time i took this second one the electricity pylons had come in to view and when I checked the shot later I noticed that the angle now showed the smoke going in different directions and I rather liked it!

By the time I reached Perth the temperature was a very chilly minus 6 and my car was encrusted, the back doors were frozen solid and it took me quite a while to get it defrosted. I am now home and cosy and ready for a hot bath.

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