
By Kaysha


It's a rather amazing date today, in case you hadn't noticed. Facts about the number 12:

? It's a composite number, the smallest number with exactly six divisors.

? The average human has 12 cranial nerves

? 12 inches in a foot

? 12 men have walked on the moon

? 1 dozen = 12

? Science: It's the atomic number of magnesium in the periodic table

? The duodenum (from Latin meaning 12) is the first part of the small intestine that is about 12 inches long.

? Force 12 on the Beaufort wind scale is the maximum wind speed of a hurricane

? Astronomy: There are 12 starsigns and 12 signs of the Chinese zodiacs

? Religion: In Christianity there are 12 days of Christmas, in Judaism there are the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 is the age of batmitzvah for a girl, in Hinduism the sun god Surya has 12 names.

? Time: 12 months in a year, 12 hours in half a day

? Sport: In football the number 12 can be a symbolic reference to the fans because of the support they give to the 11 players on the field

? Technology: 12 dialling keys on a telephone including 0 and hash

? Film: 12 Angry Men, cheaper by the dozen, the dirty dozen

My patience was also tried 12 (hundred) times today as both kids were having one of those days.

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