Don’t it make my brown eyes blue....

Another day of cattle work. Sorted out 12 heifers for the mart later this week. Took a while as had to match them up from various sheds. This is one of 6 Angus heifers going to Stirling. She was born with blue eyes which is very unusual for a beast as they are usually brown . They were more blue when she was younger but still look different .
An afternoon mucking out and bedding cows then various other jobs including a long overdue engine oil and filter change on one of the McCormick tractors.
While sorting out the cattle passports for the 12 tonight discovered one has the wrong sex on it so she can’t go any where . Will need to send it off for a correct one. Don’t make many mistakes if I can help it but must have been having a senior moment with this one. Will now need to find and clip another beast to take its place. Bugger.

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