All my bags are packed...

...and I'm ready to leave

Today is the day we move from Vancouver, Canada back to the UK. Last night we had dinner with some good friends, who we have shared the trials and tribulations of the last year with. We're going to miss you guys.

The weather was typical Vancouver today, rain rain rain! After packing a year up into bags we just had time for a last trip to Acme cafe before Craig, one of Andy's cycling friends, gave us a lift to the airport. At check in we discovered that we had pushed our baggage limit somewhat with a collective weight of 100kg! (And I was wearing 3 hoodies and a coat). As each bag went on the scales we got away with it, until the final snowboard bag went on and the check in person finally gave into procedure, charging us for an additional 4kg of luggage. It could have been so much worse!

Time to settle in to inflight movies and snooze our way across Canada and then the Atlantic.

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