A New Day

By ANewDay

Primula Pot

Another mild and partly sunny day, but the low mist hasn't burned off as I hoped it might so no long views today.  Instead a close-up of my primulas at the front door, which are doing rather well after the frosty start some of them had.

A day of mixed experiences, with a visit to the Breast Screening Unit this morning, then supermarket shopping. After lunch it was a home visit from the local Fire Service, based in Newburgh.  This is a free, on request, service where a fireman comes out to advise you on home safety, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, escape routes etc.  Very useful information and advice and he even changed our wired in smoke alarms for us with some new ones we had recently purchased.  My only disappointment was that he arrived in a van and not a fire engine, as happened to our friends in Dunkeld:-)

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