Taking Shelter

It appears that I did everything on this entry yesterday but press 'publish', so the whole thing disappeared into the ether. I'm entering as reasonable a facsimile as I can manage today, Wednesday.

The second 'atmospheric river' this  month hit the county on Monday afternoon and has stalled over Santa Rosa and points north. Roads are impassable, schools are closed and the Russian River is predicted to peak at 46 feet, on Wednesday evening. We are once again battening down the hatches, firing up the fireplace and watching the rain pour down.

The finches, fed up with the unrelenting rain, are dying the next best thing to joining us by the fire...taking their chances right outside our back door under the porch roof. It's a bit leaky, but a lot better than their usual bush under the bird feeders. I dare not open the door to take their picture, so the quality of this shot through it is less than perfect.

The third time was a charm today when I went to the dentist for the third time in a month to get a new crown cemented in place. All went smoothly this time and I can now chew again on the right side of my mouth. I always thought that crowns were good forever, but it seems that just like everything else in an aging body, dental repairs fail and wear out too. This one should see me through. For what it cost, it had better. OilMan's turn next month.

As I was driving home next to the swollen, raging Santa Rosa Creek, there was talk on the radio of  Trump's one time 'fixer', Michael Cohen's, upcoming testimony before the House Oversight and Reform Committee tomorrow. The President is in Vietnam, creating a diversion from yet another investigation into his corrupt and shady affairs. He will claim to have brought about world peace when in fact, just like last time he met with Kim Jong Un, nothing will happen. In the meantime, one of his spokespeople said that Cohen is a 'notorious liar' whose testimony cannot be believed. And that is what's wrong with this government in a nutshell. The pot calling the kettle black. It would almost be funny if the fate of the free world didn't hang in the balance!

I doubt if anything will come of it, but it will certainly be a circus....one which I shall avoid.

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