The Justice League is coming

The Green Arrow, the fictional superhero from the DC Comic Franchise was millionaire businesswoman based on a Greek mythological character. She was left stranded on a deserted island for several years where she mastered the art of archery. Nowadays, she uses her skills to search for truth and fight crime alongside the Justice League. 
If she were to testify before a U.S. House Oversight Committee these are the questions her testimony would raise: Will our institutions hold? Will the legal, political and social institutions of American life be able to withstand the norm-destroying corruption of King Chaos?  The Green Arrow believes that climate change is happening. She thinks science is important and facts matter. Her moral compass tells her that separating kids from parents seeking asylum is the wrong way for Americans to behave. When push comes to shove, she sides with the US intel establishment over Vladimir Putin. In cases where Nazis are involved, she doesn't argue that there are good people on all sides. The Green Arrow believes habitual lying is a negative character trait.

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