Log Freuchie

By Freuchie


This was taken at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, looking south towards Queen's View and Glasgow.

I was amused to hear an article on the radio this morning about the massive rise in the sale of handcuffs and blindfolds reported by the Ann Summers chain in the run-up to Christmas. Apparently it's all because of that book!

However, it sounds as if some recipients might not appreciate the items for their intended use. One man, the researcher discovered, said he would handcuff his wife to the bed, then go and watch the football in peace, while women could see more practical uses, like polishing their specs with the blindfold, or using the handcuffs to attach the dog's collar to the pole outside the shops.

So, don't be surprised if, post Christmas, you see any dogs waiting outside shops, sporting pink fluffy handcuffs...

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