The sofa ............

 ............ on Sunday.   
Himself and Mister Whisper are chillin' while I cook Sunday dinner, do "stuff", sort out "things" .............. you get the idea - they rest, I work - lol lol.

Today I came across a charity that need mascara brushes - I know, quite bizarre - they are located in North Carolina and if you google "Wands for Wildlife" you will see why.  (Try here)

Am not sure if you all know this but after you open your mascara tube it only really lasts 6 months and then you should bin it.  
There have been cases of serious infections and, in worst case scenarios, blindness caused by using very old mascara brushes/wands and the actual mascara.

Today I binned thirteen of them (an unlucky number for some but not the Appalachian Wildlife Refuge who are going to receive all the clean brushes).

So, this Sunday, I am doing my bit for charity and animals - it is only a very small bit but at least it's something.

~ Anni ~

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