Clamming, seagull style

We spent a couple hours at Duxbury Beach today. The ocean was roaring and the waves gorgeous. I loved being out in the cold salty air with my camera after a January and part of February lost to feeling spent by pneumonia. T rode her fat tire bike out on the Gurnet Road in sand and snow. 
We're hunkered in tonight planning on a snow day perhaps for T or at least a work from home day with a snow event predicted this evening into tomorrow morning. We'll be watching the final episode of the current Victoria season tonight.
For the Record,
This day came in cold and sunny with blue skies.

All hands sending our love and condolences to Memories4Me for the loss of he beloved companion cat, Emerson.

Extras, The seagull's reward, a fresh clam, shell broken for him by the crashing waves.

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