A magical day.x

Up and into school early this am. Breakfast club the the bus arrived to take KS2 to Chirk Castle.
Arrived to the park looking white with beautiful frost. Minus 4 but a wonder to see.
The children were greeted by the house keeper and two maids and off we went to do lots of victorian activities.
We then went into a big hall to meet the lady of the house and the children sang a carol. It was a magical moment. After lunch everyone went into the gardens and enjoyed a walk around. Nothing better than listening to Annie Lennox sing The Holly and the Ivy while looking over the white landscape. We then got to meet Father Christmas and then went into the Castle to look at all the Christmas trees.
Time to get back to school.
Tonight we had our last production of Mr Humbug. The children were amazing. Well done to you all.The day finished off with a glass of wine in the local pub before heading home. Now going to take Sally out for a walk.
A fantastic day,wonderful children and great team of staff.x

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