Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Not drifting

I was determined not to let today drift, so after completing my numerous domestic tasks I went up to the South Bank in search of inspiration. Plus there was an exhibition of early Diane Arbus on at The Hayward. This was very good, she had an interest in the gothic and the freakish. The usual famous subjects were there-the scary twins, the Jewish giant and the little boy with the hand grenade. Inspired me to switch to black and white mode and sit in the gallery window and shoot the passers by. Tried the same technique at the National Theatre, which is where I got this shot. I would love to know what was going on between them.

Little collage attached by way of an extra.

Camped out in the members room at the top of the festival hall and read. The afternoon just flew by. I really can't imagine what boredom is like. There is always so much of interest in the world.

Met Strider in The Wheatsheaf on the way home. Hugs real and virtual with him today to make up for his downer of a day yesterday. We are family.

Oh yeah - I discovered a singing lift in the Festival Hall!

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