Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Secret Santa

Tonight in the flat - once we were all there for once, usually my fault - we exchanged our secret Santa presents. We all had a list: a calendar, something to put on toast, socks and something else. I received a lovely Brave calendar, Nutella (my favourite!), some cute wee socks with penguins and a "science kit" for making a bouncy ball! Thank you to my secret Santa - although I think we all gave the game away. A few in-joke presents resulted in a lot of laughter.

During the day I had my last inorganic lecture before the exam and took some book donations the CU didn't have room for to the SU office with Gregor. They've offered to find some use for them which is really kind of them. Unfortunately most of the folk we knew were in a meeting but it was nice popping in. I haven't been there since August. That's everything out of the chaplaincy now! A few of us enjoyed some lunch and chat in there as we knew it was one of our last chances to do so.

After secret Santa I had my first night in in a while. I played some guitar and caught up on a few things and made a revision plan. I hope I stick to it!

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