
These wonderful men are working on my countertops! I am one big ole ball of excited, humbled, and grateful!! :—)
Stay tuned tomorrow for the big reveal!!

Funny story: My cousin sculpted a big clay St Francis years ago and he has presided over our kitchen for probably 20+ years. He has featured in some blips. Well, we came home yesterday and he, along with the string of lights in the window was shattered on the floor. :-(( Sweet Hubs had it cleaned up before he told me bc he knew I’d be sad.
For the life of us we couldn’t phantom how this happened. Then it clicked. He sat on the windowsill above the sink. Well the countertops were gone and the top of the dishwasher with its fuzzy insulation was the only hard surface. PUNKIN was in the house. Our scenario: She jumps ( as usual) on the cabinet to drink from the sink ( which wasn’t there ) , freaked out
, caught her claws in the dangling lights and drug everything down! Don’t you know that was a sight??!! Well, I had to smile. It’s only clay, after all. :—)
Be blessed!

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