Party hat

It's the last day of Carnival (Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras) and it's the day of the big float parade at Krabbegat (Bergen op Zoom). So I put on my party hat, my wrap and my curtains, so basically literally my party rags, got something together to dress up son no 2 for the party too and off we went to join all the other 'dweilen' (mops= nick name for the party goers). To see what people wear including the hats (it's the total opposite of what people would wear for the Venice Carnival) see the extras ! It's farming and fishing folk here ;-) And the winning large float is there too !

I don't know if it's tiny enough for Tiny Tuesday, but I'll tag it nonetheless, with thanks to Debbi/Dbifulco for hosting !

With all this partying I'm way behind with thanking you all personally for the congratulations for my Blip Day on Sunday, I'm hoping to get ontrack tomorrow

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