As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Peace Corps

This morning in English we got a fifteen minute long lecture on how disappointing our essays on The Scarlet Letter were. Casey got the highest grades out of both classes (7) and I got a (6), so I'm fine with that. According to Dubin, most people got 4s so I'm more than fine with a 6. Italian was beyond frustrating today. Stage rehearsal in orchestra, and an easy day in physics. Fred played the piano and sang while we sat in the auditorium for gym. William and I went on quite an adventure during APUSH. We missed the first half of class trying to un-jam the copy machine, and eventually we just decided to go to the one in the faculty room. In health we looked at way too many pictures of people that used chewing tobacco, and math was boring today. After school today I had a lot to do (what else is new). Class of 2014 meeting, pictures for the toy drive, and I had to miss the LitSo meeting. Time trials at practice today. Two miles in 11:19, one mile in 5:30 after about ten minutes rest. I'm totally okay with that. Home for a hot minute before getting my glasses adjusted and off to tutoring. Home for the night and contemplating joining the Peace Corps.

Word of the Day: Plication - The act or procedure of folding

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