This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Dispatches from Station One.

He's reading the paper again in between mouthfuls of crunchy food. "Did you see that they put that HIV into this girl that was dying of cancer?" The HIV ate the cancer right up! That's science!"

The woman across the room says, "What? Was that the live HIV or dead HIV..."

Crunchy says, "I don't know for sure, but I do know HIV was man made! It was made by the Nazis to wipe out the races they didn't like..."

Girl across the room: What!?!

Crunchy: "Everyone knows that! The nazis mixed the cancer with the monkey sickness and they created the HIV... Everyone knows that!! Those nazis were bad people..."

Girl across the room: "I didn't know that, wow they were crazy!"

Crunchy: "They sure were...."

A bell rings in the distance, a sale!

3 more hours to go...

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